Friday, May 2, 2008

Pasta di Pomodoro, Basilico, Aglio e Feta

Reed's Tomato, Basil, Garlic and Feta Pasta

1 lb pasta (such as penne)
1.5 lbs ripe tomatoes diced (reserve all tomato juice)
1 package fresh basil (about 1/2 cup chopped)
6 garlic cloves minced
2 Tbs olive oil
1.5 cups feta (or to taste)
salt and pepper

1. Combine chopped tomatoes, tomato juice, chopped basil, and chopped garlic in a bowl. Mix. Add 2 Tbs olive oil, salt and pepper. Let sit at least one hour.

2. Cook pasta according to box directions. Drain.

3. Add tomato mixture to drained pasta. Mix in feta.

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